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Testimonial from a friend

“Between 2008-2011, I gained 70 pounds. Partly due to bad lifestyle choices, but mostly due to a thyroid condition that was finally diagnosed and treated, but no amount of exercise or better food decisions was working to lose weight.  I … Continue reading

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Don’t Set Yourself Up For Failure This Holiday Season

DON’T SET YOURSELF UP FOR FAILURE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON                   Don’t let the ho, ho, ho, make you go OH, NO, NO, NO January 1st. As we fast approach the holiday season, which usually is a time thought of as when … Continue reading

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10/6/-10/7 Diva Long Island Half-Marathon Report

What a fantastic race to finish the 2012 Race Season!!  I am so happy that I was able to participate in this event with my running partner, Linda, her two girls, and Linda’s family.  Because of the combination of all … Continue reading

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Binghamton Bridge Run

Here are a few photographs captured from some good friends at the 2012 Greater Binghamton Bridge Half-Marathon that occurred on May 6, 2012.    I finished in 1 hour 57 minutes and 46 seconds.  This was a personal best, so … Continue reading

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